I’d like to take this moment to thank the members of the Badger Firefighters Association for having the faith and electing me to the esteemed position as your President. I know I am following in the footsteps of some very qualified past presidents, and I hope to continue in that tradition.
I would also like to thank our past President Fred Arbuckle for his years of service and leadership to the organization. Also, Jason Ebert, for his years as long-standing treasurer. These are certainly some big shoes to fill, but with the newly elected board, I’m sure we will rise to the challenge.
I would like to encourage everyone to checkout our redesigned web page. Our historian, Jamie Miller, along with our new Vice-President Allie Molenda, have been working hard to make it current and relevant. There will be an events page for all departments to list their upcoming events, so be sure to contact them so we can include your activities on the page.
President, Pete Manning |