February 2021 Newsletter

Badger Firefighters Association Offers Training Opportunities

The Training Committee is working hard to provide valuable information to our members.  Recently the committee met to go ahead with plans for some upcoming “hands-on” trainings.  They finalized the plans for the March 12 and `13 Basic Rapid Intervention Team Training at the Slinger RIT House along with accomplishing finalizing plans for the Agriculture Scene Rescue.  Brad Schaefer is coordinating a training team for the upcoming Rapid Intervention Team Training.  New this year on Friday evening will be Firefighter Down CPR.  This program has been formulated and has been presented at Wisconsin EMS Conference a year ago and was very well received.

Many of the instructors are in place for the AG Rescue.  The committee has met recently at Golden E Dairy outside of Fillmore to start finalizing plans for the Agriculture Emergency Response Training.  We will have a full day of activities on Saturday, April 17th following our evening classroom sessions on Friday the 16th at the Fillmore Fire Station.  Friday evening will be at the Fillmore Fire Station and will be lecture sessions.  These sessions will be:

What you can’t see, will kill you on the Farmstead related to farm atmosphere?

Grain Drier fires, small and large units, are you ready?

Grain Bin Incidents, the facts behind hazards, what happens!

A reminder to our departments,  that the Badger Firefighters Association honors our members with plaques for 25, 50, & 60 years of service.  In addition we honor those that have served their department and/or community as a member in a meritorious manner.  We also present awards to those officers that have served at least 5 years in a leadership role have stepped down for that position.  We had the privilege to recognize Rachel Nelson, nominated by Fillmore Fire Department for our award recognizing an Act of Heroism starting CPR on a Pulseless, Non-Breathing individual with a significant positive outcome along with Lieutenant Antonio Gurrola.

So far this year we will be honoring the following individuals for 25 years of service helping others as a first responder:

Assistant Chief Dale Spaeth, Fillmore

Firefighter Joseph Retzer III , Eden

Assistant Chief Scott Murphy, Eden

From West Bend Fire Department—

Battalion Chief John Spartz

Lieutenant/Paramedic Andy Whitmore

Paid–On–Call Firefighter Steven Rusch

Captain Kenny Asselin

Left to right: A.C. Dale Spaeth, Retired Chief Calvin Steinert and Chief Jeff Steinert.

Recently we recognized Retired Chief Calvin Steinert for 50 years with the Fillmore Fire Department.  Assistant Chief Duane Hafemeister of Jackson Fire Department having retired after 40 years of service, 30 of which were with the Jackson Fire Department was recognized for his dedication to help others..  CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!

Until next month, stay safe, stay alert, stay healthy and stay positive,

Board of Officers

Badger Firefighters Association


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