Presidents Newsletter – August 2019
We sent out a survey in regards to training for the upcoming year. Many of our departments have NOT responded; please take the time to do so. This will allow our Training Committee to make plans for programs YOU want to have offered. One of the sessions we are contemplating is hosting a December 6 & 7 Basis Rapid Intervention Team training at the “Slinger House.” If your department would be interested in participating in this great hands-on educational experience please advise President Ron Naab. We will be sending out registration forms right after September 1.
As we entering the month of August, summer is coming to a close and a new school year is about to start. This presents a whole different set of events. We will encounter kids driving to and from school for extracurricular activities, late night harvesting by the farmers, last minute vacations by families and SCHOOL BUSES on the road. Being prepared in advance is always a good procedure to follow for us as individuals and as department personnel responding to calls for help. Are you ready?
I strongly urge our members to talk to your state legislators about the proposed B.R.A.V.E. Act which would create incentives to help retain volunteer services Wisconsin desperately needs. B.R.A.V.E. is an acronym for—“Beginning Retention, and Attraction for Volunteer Emergency” personnel. This is a movement that will help entice people to join the emergency services and to stay involved. The safety and well being of our local communities depends on those that are willing to share their time, talents and skills to help those when they can no longer help themselves. Reach out to your friends, relatives and neighbors to consider joining your fire department and/or rescue squad.
Our Fall Annual Meeting is Sunday, November 3. This meeting we will be selecting a new President [I have full filled the maximum terms in a row], Vice President, Treasurer [Jason Ebert has consented to stay on] and new Secretary [Sandy Stockhausen has announced she no longer wants to occupy this role]. Our organization can only be viable and meaningful with participating members to care on the mission. I urge you to consider filling one of these positions or nominating someone that you feel will do a good job for our Badger Firefighters Association.
As your president and a veteran firefighters and former board member of the Wisconsin State Firefighters Memorial, I urge you to consider sending a delegation to the Final Alarm on Saturday, October 12. During the Memorial Service at 3:33 PM you can present those members that passed away in the past year. This is a very wonderful and meaningful event to be a part of and I urge you to consider to joining us.